The Here We Grow Blog
Parenting tips, articles, and resources directly from the Here We Grow team.
Under-Parenting: Finding Connection in the Chaos of the Holidays
The holiday season is meant to be a time of joy, togetherness, and magic. Yet, as parents, we often find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of schedules, to-do lists, and expectations that leave us feeling more frazzled than festive. Amidst the busyness, it’s easy to lose sight of the most important gift we can give our children: our presence.
Parenting with Joy in Challenging Times: How to Fill Your Own Cup and Be Present for Your Kids
Parenting is a beautiful journey filled with so many joyful moments, but it can also be challenging, especially in times when the world feels so heavy and overwhelming. How do we do it? How do we carry this weight and still show up every day for our kids - for their needs and their own fears? How do you fill your own cup so that you can be fully present for your child and lean in with connection when you're feeling emotionally depleted?
What it Means to Be an Unconditional Parent (and a birthday love note to my beautiful mother)
Do you hope to have a strong, positive relationship with your kid(s) long term? Do you think about what that might look like in 5, 10, 20 years and hope you’re always close and they feel safe and loved within your bond? Well, look no further, Unconditional Parenting is about to be your best friend!
Know Before You Go: Tips for Traveling with Littles
We encourage creating an environment where our kiddos feel safe to express their emotions, where they're allowed to stumble and learn, just as we do! And sometimes (often!) that’s even (especially!) on vacation.
My Intro to Motherhood (and how it unexpectedly and positively changed me)
This is me 10 days postpartum with my first baby, nearly 15 years ago. Of all the photos I have from the early days and months with my daughter, this is the one that sends me straight to the depth of the moment. The smell, the sounds, and...all the feels. ALL. OF. THEM.
The Power of Intention: Everything We Do in Music Class Matters
Maybe you’re a Here We Grow Family Music Class regular or maybe you’ve seen pics on your Instagram feed or heard about our beloved music circles from friends. Have you seen us shaking eggs or dancing with scarves and thought we’re silly? We are! But also (and more importantly!), in our music circles, every note, every activity, and every interaction is infused with intention.
“Mine!” - The Journey to Sharing and Taking Turns
The definition of “sharing” is something that’s freely offered, freely given. Yet, parents often spend a lot of time trying to MAKE their child share.
My Introduction to Connection Parenting (and a love letter to my dad on his 73rd birthday)
My unofficial introduction to ‘connection parenting’ came at a young age, from the very beginning of my life actually. I was raised by gentle, positive, connected parents long before it was trending or people were studying this sort of thing.
Navigating the Holidays (and Big Family Gatherings) as a Connected Parent
The holidays are upon us! Tis the season for festive spirit, big family gatherings, huge amounts of both joy and challenges. Balancing the excitement that this time of year can bring with the need to stay mindful in our parenting can be done but often is accompanied by big feelings.
Brain Development & Big Feelings (Part 2)
Adding another child to an already established family dynamic can be one of the most amazing and beautiful and also often complicated and challenging shifts for all involved. It’s one of the biggest transitions a family will make. We always need support in our parenting but particularly during this time.
Brain Development 101 (and how it relates “big feelings”)
Did you know that we’re all born “good”?! It’s true!
Your child is GOOD too. Like, all the time! Even when you might not think so. They hit a kid today at school? Still good! They slammed a door in your face? Still good. They threw their dinner on the floor? Still good! They actually inherently know how to think well and cooperate. When they are not acting in that way, let that be a signal to you that they’re feeling disconnected in some way and that this is their way of asking for help.
8 Back to School Tips for Parents
The transition (back) to school can be an exciting yet overwhelming time for preschoolers and, well, for us parents too! A new environment also comes with new experiences and emotions, and it's key for parents to provide unwavering support and unconditional love during this phase.
Lead with Love
When we lead with love, understanding, and respect, we help shape a world where our children can thrive and embrace their true selves.
Ooey Gooey Play Party: A Prime Recipe for Play
Play is so powerful that we’ve made it our mission at Here We Grow to share more of it with the world.
Play is the way!
Do you consider yourself to be a playful person? Play was actually the thing that came the least naturally to me as a new parent! I have an inherent nurturing and warm nature so that part was way easier! But getting super silly…well that took some work.
Special Time: My Favorite Connection Tool
What makes “Special Time” special is the concentrated one on one time free of other distractions (no phone, no work, no making dinner, no folding laundry, etc.). The rules are pretty simple.
How Music and Movement Enhance your Child’s (and Family’s) Life
Music is a huge part of my family’s world - first off because my husband and I are both singers, but also because the benefits are through the roof! I imagine that you can close your eyes and picture - or maybe even feel in your body - a time (or likely many times) where music deeply enhanced a moment. Well, the same goes for our kids.
Flu and COVID and RSV - oh my!
It’s rough out there y’all. I pride myself on being a low key unofficial expert on holistic wellness for my family. In fact one of my first positions working with other mamas was as a brand new mom in 2009 as a co-leader of the Holistic Moms Network in Los Angeles. I learned so much about all the ways we can naturally heal our little ones and ourselves and how so much of this wisdom and knowledge is within us through our lineage but often forgotten. I want to share some of my go-to’s! Hopefully something here will help your fam this season.
How to Hold Feelings Instead of Fixing Them
As parents, we are conditioned to want to fix whatever appears to be broken with our children. To swoop in and save the day. To put a quick bandaid on it and make it better. But what if we sat and listened to the hurt, acknowledged the feelings, and heard our children fully until they moved all the way through the pain? That’s where you’ll find the richest point of connection.